3D Images

Trying to get a showy but dark lighting..but I guess I got the showy part? The set was given for assignment use from a seniors FYP.

Was going for a CandyLand theme. The set was given for assignment use from a seniors FYP.

I can see a lot of lights going everywhere. I'll go back to it some time soon. Model environment was given for assignment use.

Going for the horror-ish mood but yea..didn't really get it. Is it too bright? Model environment was given for assignment use.

Will try to redo this scene soon because there're a lot of mistakes everywhere. Especially the front house which i didn't light. Model Environment was given for assignment use.

Lighting Exercise - 3 point lighting. Texture and model was given for the exercise.

Model was given for class use.

Texturing Exercise

Was trying out Portal Light during class exercise. Model environment was given for assignment use.